Essential Oils for Health and Wellness

Essential Oils & Health | A true gift passed on from ancient times.


Essential Oils and Health

Essential oils are an ancient gift that has been passed on for future generations.

It is amazing how such a natural herb can produce so many positive health benefits. It works with our emotions giving us positive relaxing vibes when we smell these aromatic gems.


It's truly remarkable how such a simple natural herb can also benefit those with various health conditions and discomforts.

Relaxation can also be derived from aromatherapy essential oils.

Many may not be knowledgeable about the natural therapeutic gift behind these oils because we are so busy working endlessly in our hurried lives - often gravitating towards easy pharmaceutical fixes, that we often ignore the natural treasures that exist around us.

Did you know that stress is the leading cause of illness in most people today?

The effects of stress are cumulative and can lead to several health problems.

Without taking the time to relax and recharge, the body can become overwhelmed and breakdown, leading to headaches, eye and neck strain, backaches, poor concentration, anxiety, injuries and essentially - burnout.

Take a look at these statistics! Did you know …

  • Over 50% of lost work days are stress related which keeps about 1 million people per day from attending work. (Occupational Health and Safety News and the National Council on Compensation Insurance. (U.S.A))

  • Up to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints. (Occupational Health and Safety news and the National Council on Compensation Insurance (U.S.A.)

  • Health care expenditures are nearly 50% greater for workers who report high levels of stress (Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine)

  • 40% of job turnover is due to stress. (American Institute of Stress).

But what is most astounding is that by taking a little time out to relax, we can see a huge decrease in our stress levels.

  • Actually, research indicates that a 15-minute chair massage results in decreased job stress, increased speed, accuracy and alertness… (Field, Ironson, Pickens et. al. (1996).

    Massage therapy reduces anxiety and enhances EEG pattern of alertness… (International Journal of Neuroscience 86, 197-205).

    Are You a Caregiver?

    Many individuals that stay at home with kids can also feel overwhelmed. It is very important to set up a schedule of events for each day breaking down each task so that they are more manageable..

    Here are some tips to help you relax your daily routines:

  • Cleaning the house? Tackle one room at a time. Let your kids understand the schedule of events and that certain times of the day is your time. Take this time out to get the work done that you need to get done. If you explain the importance of this mommy or daddy

    time, your kids will surely understand.

  • If you’re a parent, co-op with other moms and dads in your area and swap babysitting, meals or shopping trips. This can be mutually beneficial and very rewarding.

  • Take some time out to exercise.

  • Take the kids out for some activities.

  • Go for a walk.

  • Exercise not only stimulates the release of endorphins (the body's natural stress-fighters), it is also an excellent aid in lowering stress hormone levels. It's also great as a stress release making you think less about the mental demands around you.

  • Take time out for a relaxing bath or pamper yourself. Give yourself a facial steam or do your nails.

  • Use essential oil scents to help you relax and unwind from the daily grind. Essential oil candles and diffusers make this easy!

    Essential Oil Relaxers

    Lavender and bergamot are great relaxers.

  • Add a few drops of either of these essential oils to a diffuser or simply add some drops to a tissue or some pot pourri so the aromas can spread throughout the room. This will make for a more relaxing experience while giving your rooms a delightful scent.

  • Remember, in order to release the stress from within, breathe and exhale and focus on pure calm to make this experience more beneficial.

    Make quite time for yourself daily for a more rewarding experience..

    Take out at least 15 minutes a day.

    Your body will love it!