Indoor garden - How to Grow Fruits and Vegetables in an Apartment
Living in an apartment can be extremely convenient. There is very little upkeep necessary in terms of having to maintain a lawn, garden or outdoor maintenance areas.
However, with that convenience - especially in a time of a pandemic, having a garden would be useful and extremely beneficial. Not only would it save you money and help in sustaining a more manageable food budget, but having the convenience of easy access to your own indoor vegetable garden and produce is simply perfect!
It can allow you to quickly and easily cook your own meals, which would mean less trips to the grocery store along with keeping a healthy diet of fresh herbs and vegetables on hand for your convenience!
But is it possible to grow a garden in a small apartment or condo space?
Well, it's easier than you think!
Container planting indoors is an excellent option when you have limited space.
Many people fail to realize that many plants can actually thrive quite well indoors. Some of these types of plants include tomatoes, garlic, lettuce, spinach and even cauliflower.
Surprised? Yup, I was too!
You can grow a wide selection of vegetables in your apartment (regardless of whether it's a spacious 3 bedroom condo or a tiny studio apartment.
It's possible to have a healthy, thriving indoor vegetable garden that allows you to grow your own food. And yes, you can even become a gardening expert while you're at it!
There are so many indoor vegetable gardening ideas and I'll share some quick tips, so let's get into it!
The Light Issue when growing plants indoors:
If you're in a condo or apartment, the required growing conditions can vary. A common issue is with the amount of light that you're getting inside your apartment.
However, this is of little concern because you do have the option of placing plants on a windowsill or in a living area where there is a lot of light that comes in during the daytime. Most plants thrive with sunlight. However, there are many salads and leafy green vegetables that require much less sunlight and you can use this to your advantage!
I'm going to share which plants thrive with a lot of sunlight and those that thrive without it.
Vegetables and Herbs that Thrive with sunlight:
Herbs are the easiest plants to grow indoors. It's about your pot size and it's environment that matters. If you stick to using a pot that's at least six inches or larger in size and ensure that your soil is warm and moist along with placing it by a window that has at least half a day of sunlight, you're good.
These herbs grow really well indoors - ginger, basil, mint, cilantro, rosemary, thyme, oregano,chives and parsley are some of the most popular edible plants that can thrive growing in a small apartment or any indoor setting for that matter. As long as you keep them in a well-lit area that gets a fair amount of sunlight throughout the day, you should have success and be able to use what you've grown to produce a lovely meal.
You also have to keep in mind that your plants will also require a fair amount of moisture and humidity especially during the colder months when heated apartments can dry the air. In these cases, it's best to invest in a humidifier to add more moisture to the air inside. Artificial light is also an option if you’re lacking a source of natural sunlight. Investing in a grow light is also a good option if your apartment lacks natural sunlight. Indoor garden kits are also available.
Plants needing limited sunlight:
Micro-greens and bean sprouts are excellent choices for edible plants you can grow indoors. They're crunchy and healthy, but most importantly quick to grow. It only take as few as 14 days to see these beautiful spouting plants.
Tomatoes thrive in small pots and are another great addition to adding to salads and simple pasta dishes.
Garlic we've all seen sprouting even in the refrigerator. This deliciously healthy plant can be used to garnish and cook with, which makes it a perfect choice for your indoor garden.
Spinach especially when started in soil using a small starter plant, can grow wonderfully indoors. Just keep soil watered daily along with a moist and well lit room that gets a lot of sunlight and you'll have easy access to a iron-rich vegetable that not only adds to your health and well-being, but also tastes great!
Radishes another excellent salad compliment, radishes grow quickly in soil. Their visible roots when you buy them make them easy garden starter plants that have no limit to how ...
Kale, like spinach, grows well indoors.
Scallions are a superb garnish for all dishes. When you cut the green upper area for your meals, keep the bottom white area and pop it into a container with water. Within days you should see them quickly starting to grow!
Lemons love the indoors and can thrive quite well even if they are not grown outdoors.
Dwarf mandarins are a favorite for those wanting citrus in their life!
Strawberries can be the perfect addition to any indoor garden. The sweet taste and lovely appeal cannot be denied especially if you’re making a delicious strawberry cheesecake! Some fresh strawberries on hand can make all the difference in creating that perfect cheesecake!
So if you were hesitant to create your own garden in your indoor space, don’t worry. The tips above should get you going. And once you start, you most likely will keep adding to your indoor space - more healthy and delicious fruits and veggies, conveniently located just for you!
It’s simply magical! You’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.
Good luck!