health and wellness content upgrade ideas

How to Capture More Leads with a Content Upgrade

Statistics on Adding a Content Upgrade to Your Blog

Health and wellness bloggers can attest to how valuable a tool a content upgrade is in gaining subscribers and loyal readers! Content upgrades have been extremely useful in helping to build very tight-knit communities and tribes, not to mention increasing leads and sales.


What is a content upgrade exactly?

A content upgrade is any additional bonus content that your readers get access to in exchange for their personal email address. Basically, there is a form placed on your site for your reader to enter their name and email in order to access this “bonus” information that often times goes deeper in giving your reader additional help or resources specific to the information that they’ve just read on your website.

Some examples of content upgrades could be a free checklist, workbook, cheat sheet, report or guide – just to name a few. These are often PDF documents. However, video tutorials or other how-to video guides have also become popular content upgrades as well. Basically, you’re providing more value to entice your reader to give you their contact information in exchange for the upgrade.

Going Deeper & Providing More Value

Over the last few years, many health and wellness companies who have built their businesses offline with brochure-style websites have now decided to add blogging to their online presence. Couple blogging with content upgrades and now there is a huge potential for growth!

Bloggers and companies who blog and who have offered a content upgrade to their online blogging efforts are getting up to 30% of their readers to opt-in to their list! With numbers that big, it’s no wonder why businesses have taken the leap and invested the time and energy into creating this highly valuable addition to their blogging agenda. Now if you extend upon the free content upgrade offers with a paid offer, this could mean a massive amount of sales for your business!

Informative and well-written content upgrades attract more readers! Now when your blog readers love the information you share, this can result in an impressive ROI for your business overall!

Not yet convinced that content upgrades can lead to profitable results for your business? Take a look at this case study:

According to Neil Patel, co-founder of Kissmetrics and Crazy Egg, and founder of, he has mentioned that he has had very successful results with one of his content upgrades!

Patel’s content upgrade: The Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Your Google Rankings Without Getting Penalized, was a very detailed step-by-step guide that he offered his readers from one of his blog posts on the topic of improving one’s google rankings. As his content upgrade, he offered this readers a detailed worksheet in order for the reader to progress in their business and take action with the information he shared. It’s as though he was taking the reader by the hand and guiding them along – personally in helping them achieve a better ranking! This Content Upgrade alone resulted in thousands of subscribers – much more than he would have received without the upgrade.

Not yet convinced you too should incorporate a content upgrade on your website?

Check out Brian’s success with a content upgrade:

Brian Dean of added content upgrades to 15 of his blog posts and increased his subscriber-base and his overall site conversions 185%! You can see him detail his process on his blog here. He breaks down his process really well, so I highly recommend you take a look at his post!

Then there’s Brian Harris of who improved his subscribers by 20-30% more since adding content upgrades to his site!

You can find a ton more examples of very successful content upgrades here on the Lead Pages blog.

The usual click to subscribe to my newsletter or e-book is no longer cutting it. Readers have seen that strategy being used time and time again and they’re now blind to it.

Blog creators need to entice their readers with something simply irresistible and that something is the Content Upgrade!


Now, as a health and wellness expert, here is an example of how a content upgrade could be incorporated into this type of business …

Let’s just say I have a blog post written about How to Lose Belly Fat. In my post, I offer useful information for my reader about the foods and exercises they can do to alleviate belly fat. As you can see, this blog post will be very useful for the reader.

Now, if I go one step further, I can qualify my reader by offering them a Content Upgrade! I could offer something that would help them accomplish their goal or solve their problem by providing them with something that is even more valuable than the blog post that they just read.


A great offer could be a daily checklist of exercises accompanied by a daily food plan to give them a useful guide and providing them with more clarity so that they can get started right away in achieving the stomach they’ve always dreamed of. This clear plan (the content upgrade), could be a PDF download or video tutorial or better yet, both!

This upgrade is clearly something that would move this reader closer to their goal – meaning they’d more likely want to download the accompanying content upgrade because it will help them achieve their desired goal of a flatter stomach.

This incentivized offer allows me to capture their contact information – that being their email address. But better yet, by doing so, it helps me to better understand my readers because now I can email them and get in touch with them with surveys, questions and offers so that I can see how well they respond to them.

By being able to communicate with my audience any day of the week, I now have better control of my blog and my business.

With this new information gathered from my readers, I can now better qualify them for related offers I plan to offer them in the future. This also helps me to see the popularity of my content so that I can better meet their needs. After all, understanding your readers is an essential part of blogging and running a successful business.

The more you offer your readers what they want, the more they will share your message with the world -- meaning less work on your part, while also helping to grow your business.

Overall, it’s a win-win for everyone!

Want a list of potential Content Upgrades that you can offer your audience?

Grab the Ultimate List of Content Upgrades for Health & Wellness Professionals by entering your details in the form below!
